Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring Break

Pin It Spring Break is rapidly approaching....and I have got to get ready for it! This year the church that my husband and I attend, Beltway Park Baptist Church, is taking a Spring Break Mission Trip! Well I say taking, but really we will be staying in Abilene. First let me explain, Meguell and I lead a college lifegroup, and have for several years now. Even though I am done with my undergrad and Meguell is finishing up, we still felt like God was calling us to serve in the College Ministry. This has been confirmed in so many ways: since then, we have stepped up to a new position in the college ministry, plus everyday when I see students and they come to my office and chat with me about issues they are dealing with, or celebrate with me about all the good things the Lord is doing, I am reminded why God gave me this job and told us to stay in the college ministry! I love it!

On that note, we are doing this mission trip with the College ministry! Last year we did outreaches in Abilene with about 80 college students, this year we are doing work in the surrounding small cities of Abilene, or "The Big Country," and taking about 160 college students! Meguell and I are leading one of the groups of three, which is about 51 students! We are so excited and God has taught us so much through this process of leading! Plus, God has already started doing some awesome work in the past few weeks, and I know he will just continue to move...not only in us, but through us and to the people we will encounter!

Anyways, I am asking that you pray for us throughout the week....below I will give a brief summary of things you can pray for on each day of the trip! Thanks so much...and of course I will be sure to update after the trip! I have got to tell you how faithful God is and all the work he does!

Saturday, March 12th

- Pray for grace as we begin the trip, travel, and get settled into our hotel rooms

- Pray for our trip leaders and members as we work through administrative details, etc.

- Pray that all fears and doubts would be driven away by God’s love

Sunday – Thursday, March 13th – 17th

- We will have compassion for the cities we go to. Special sensitivity to each individual we meet. To feel and suffer with them, to have deep feelings of mercy for them.

- Our teams will be united and each member will be healthy.

- People will be saved, healed and delivered from all of the powers of darkness.

- The Lord will give us creative ways to communicate the gospel.

- That all of the strongholds of legalistic religious tradition will be broken.

- Our friends and family at home will be free from worry and involved in prayer for us.

- The Lord will train each of us to minister effectively.

Friday, March 19th

- As we end our trip, pray that God would establish deep in our hearts and lives the things He did in us throughout the week and that the seeds we have sown would produces long-term fruit.

Saturday, March 20th

- Pray that God will strengthen us and fill us with His rest. Pray that all we experienced and received from the Lord will continue with us and be established in our everyday lifestyles. Pray that it would forever impact our church and city.

(Ask the Lord to give you scriptures to use in prayer related to each of these prayer needs.)

Please access our blog throughout the trip to hear daily stories and testimonies of what God is doing:

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