Well...I have officially been married for one year, which is crazy! I can't believe it has past already! But married life is great! We are loving it! We went on our first vacation (besides our honeymoon) to Ruidoso, New Mexico. It was a lot of fun although it didn't necessarily turn out the way we had initially planned. Our plans had been to go there and ski several days and enjoy the nice winter weather and the good snow that we don't really see here in Texas. Well if you haven't noticed it's been an exceptionally warm winter thus far, and the same went for Ruidoso. It was the same temperature there as it is in Abilene and absolutely NO SNOW! But we decided to embrace that and take advantage of a time to really relax and enjoy ourselves. Our first morning there we made breakfast then made a fire and hung out until after lunch. I laid on a blanket in front of the wood-burning stove reading and dozing off while Meguell sat next to me in a chair playing his guitar some and reading. It was so relaxing and definitely what we needed. We also spent some time relaxing at Starbucks reading. We did actually do things though :-) We went to the White Sand Dunes which is an amazing sight to see! And although they say it's a natural wonder of the world Meguell and I have other thoughts. We think it is probably something that the government had to cover up years ago. I mean it is so close to area 51....how could it be "natural," we are not buying that!! ha ha but it was amazing! Then we did a lot of our Christmas shopping there! And we also rented mountain bikes and went biking one day. Let me just say...mountainbiking is HARD!! It did end up being really fun though, but I struggled a lot! We love biking though and so when we found out the bikes werented were for sale we got them!!

jiffey · 205 weeks ago
hydra bts · 182 weeks ago
Iggie · 65 weeks ago