Monday, March 12, 2012

Baby Trek Atlas

A friend from college is going through a hard time right now. Her youngest boy, 10 months, was diagnosed with Neimann Pick Type A... This makes him gravely ill and is not expected to live past 3 years of age. My heart hurts for this beautiful, sweet family. The Lord has truly given me a heart for them. I can't imagine being in their shoes... or her shoes, as a mother. You can follow this link to watch a youtube video telling their story.

There are many different fundraisers out there to support this family as they strive to make Trek as comfortable as he can be. I have participated in the few that I can being in California. I thought and thought and thought.. I knew there had to be more that I could do to help this sweet family. Then I came up with the idea to do a YardSale for Trek. I put it out there on Facebook and a Yard Sale page for our base for donations. I was overwhelmed with the response and how much people freely donated. 

I had the Yard Sale this past Saturday. My goal was $100 for the family. 100% of the proceeds were given directly to Trek. Praise the Lord, we raised $273.00 for him. I had worship music playing and a poster hanging about Trek. I was able to tell many people about his story. There were a few times a certain song would come on and I would look at his sweet face... and I would just tear up. I can not imagine being in their shoes. My heart hurts for them.

There is also a Flat Trek "program" going on.. so we have  Flat Trek and he joined us on our adventures in San Francisco today. Oh yes, did I mention the girls made it in and we spent the night in San Fran and had a fun-filled day today? I will be sharing some pictures with you soon! Flat Trek had a fantastic day in San Francisco and looks forward to a great day at the Jelly Belly Factory tomorrow and then spending a night at a super nice Casino Resort! 

Thank you for reading... and I really hope the that you were blessed by Baby Trek's family as much as I have been.

-Big Sis