Friday, March 9, 2012

What I'm Doing for Spring Break -Little Sis

   Just to let you know, I, Brittany, the Little Sister of the Natural-Nesters will be out all next week.   So Cassey, aka Big Sis will be taking over the blog and sharing all about her Spring Break week.  Although I am sad I won' t be spending break with my mom and niece who are going to visit my sister in California, I am really excited about what I am going to be involved with during this next week!

Let me tell you a little bit about me and my plans!

Every year the college ministry at our church takes a Spring Break Mission Trip.  The past two years, we have stayed in or near Abilene.

The vision for us staying so close to home came from this verse:

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”                                                           -Acts 1:8

In relation to this verse, they were told to start with their own city and the cities close to it, so that is what we have done the past few years.

Spring Break 2010
Abilene, Texas 

Spring Break 2011
Surrounding small West Texas towns 

This year, we are taking our college ministry to the Dallas Fort Worth area for our mission trip! My husband and I are section leaders within our college ministry, which basically, explained in an easy way is a fourth of our college ministry.  We absolutely love it! So we are taking a total of about 180 students with us, and 58 of those we are leading! We cannot wait to see what the Lord is going to do this year! It seems that every year the Lord shows us more of his power, and more of his heart for us, and his people, and building his Kingdom! One thing I love about our college ministry is that unlike any other trip I have ever been on, they don't neglect to pour into us as we are pouring ourselves out both spiritually and physically.  It is about 50-50, where 50% of the trip is made to build up us as believers and allow us to receive from the Lord, and the other half is for doing service projects and outreaches.  

Although this year will look different than some years, here are a few things we will be doing.  We will be doing service projects at various locations around the metroplex.  I know that one of the places we have an opportunity to go serve in is a Muslim Mosque.  This is such a unique and special opportunity because so many Christians judge and treat Muslims so badly because they don't agree with what they believe in.  But our goal in going there is not to go prove them wrong or tell them how bad they are for not serving Jesus, instead we are just going to go help out with what they need and love them.  We want to be different, we want them to see that Christians LOVE, even when we don't agree on our God! And in the midst of that we can pray...prayer is such a powerful tool in the spirit realm, and we will not hesitate to use it, and if someone inquires about Jesus, then we will not hesitate to share the Hope that comes from Him with them! 

We will also be going to various locations, apartment complexes, neighborhoods, etc. and doing outreaches.  We have had two all day training days to prepare for this.  Our team consists of small teams that have different purposes, those include a dance team, drama, activities, servanthood, and preaching.  So we will be going and putting on a "show" at these places, with a dance and drama, and someone sharing the story of the Gospel. Then we will be giving out food and playing with kiddos! And in the midst of it all we want to minister to the hearts of lost people! To show them the love of Jesus! To bring healing and see people spiritually, emotionally, and even physically healed! Although many don't realize it, the Lord still heals people....and we have seen him do some amazing work in the healing of the physical body of people, and we cannot wait to see what he does! 

I am so blessed to be a part of the ministry here and be a college leader.  There is something about the college ministry at my church.  To see what students will give up for Jesus is amazing! They not only gave up two entire Saturdays to train for this trip, but also their entire Spring Break, and so many other things.  We have been getting up on Fridays at 6:30am to pray for this trip and we pack a large house out with college students GOING AFTER Jesus early in the is so encouraging and I am so blessed.  Since the Lord called me to Abilene for school I have thanked him over and over.  I feel like I am literally in the midst of a the midst of a generation that is rising up to truly surrender and give up their own lives for the sake of Jesus and bringing lives into his Kingdom! 

Thank You Jesus for Sending Me! 

Spring Break 2012

So this year, this is what we plan to do! I just had about 5 college students come in my office and we drew this on my board! This is a picture of what we want to see happen in Dallas this year! This year, our team has devoted this verse to our vision for going to Dallas. 

 “...These men who have turned the world upside down have come here too."
                                                                                -Acts 17:6

 We want to go to Dallas and leave it a changed city...a city that is on fire for the Lord! And we have no doubt that HE can do that! 

So while I'm gone enjoy hearing about all the fun activities that my family will be doing in California while Cassey shares them with you, but when you think about it please be praying for my team!