Tuesday, March 13, 2012

No Linky Party Tuesday

I am so sad that we do not have a linky party for you today. As you know, Lil Sis is on a Mission Trip in Dallas... and she is the one that does the Linky Party stuff... She was so awesome and set it all up before she left for me to go in and write on and just post... but it isn't working. Sorry blogger friends...We are so sad that we won't get to see the awesomeness that you would have shared this week!

While Little Sis is sharing the Love of Christ with Dallas... I am here in California loving life with my mom, sister, niece, husband, and son. I love watching my baby boy with his family. It is so hard to believe that it has been eight months since my son has seen is Gammy... and the fact that she has only seen him FIVE times in his two years... hurts my little heart! But, such is the life with the military... and I am so thankful for Skype so that my mom and sister DO know my little man.

So many awesome fun things that have been going on this week. But first I would like to share with you a NOT so awesome joke that little sis thought she would play on us. As soon as we get on the freeway in San Francisco the night my mom got here, my mom gets a text and screams "NO! She did not!!!" I was like..."WHAT!" Imagine, country girl .. driving in a six lane freeway, in California, in the dark... SCARED THE MESS OUT OF ME! My beautiful, darling, amazing, awesome, charming, FUNNY little sister sent my mom a text with a picture of a baby bump (made it look that way) with a text that said something like "Wanted to wait until ya'll were together, we are three months!" I was almost in tears. I was loud.. and man, if I used curse words, I would have been cursing her out. I was mortified that she would tell us via text.. Skype, ok.. but text!!!! I couldn't, wouldn't believe it. Good for her she was joking with us! :) It would be awesome, but THAT is not how my best friend should tell us! Go little sister.. you got us!  

We have done so many things already since my family has been here: San Francisco we... rode the cable cars, Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39, Chinatown, Golden Gate Bridge, Full House House, Giradelli Square, shopping among other things. Then we spent the day in Sacramento going to the zoo and Train Museum.. Last night we stayed in a Resort Casino.. we are actually still here. Having a great time, enjoying my family.

So my little man's 2nd birthday is coming up. We are doing his birthday party in a TRAIN THEME! He loves trains. Can you imagine how much fun the train museum was to him... there will be a post on that soon! I wanted a cute train birthday shirt- but everything I liked cost around $25 and I just couldn't see spending that kind of money on a shirt!! So... I took it upon myself and made one. It may not look like the ones I saw.. but it was cheaper AND I like it because I did it! I purchased the iron on paper that I can put in my printer from Wal-Mart and a onesie. I found the picture I want and wrote what I wanted... then I printed it.

HA! It took ALL five pages that came in the iron on packet to get it right. I had to figure out how to get the printing to be more of a reflection- but nevertheless, I did... and I love it!

I was going to share a picture, but I don't have my computer I am using a different computer and nothing I want to work is working for me! :(

But I want to hear from you... what would you like to hear about? What kinds of crafts would you like to see us do in daycare? What could I share about that would interest you? Please share...

-Big Sis