Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine Day Fun

First of all thank you to EVERYONE who linked up with us at our first ever linky party. Our goal was to hit 50!! We hit 64.. What an awesome FIRST LINKY party!! Thank you so much. Be on the lookout for our feature blog coming soon! We had soo many awesome ideas linked up, it is going to be tough!! 

We have been having SO much fun doing Valentine Day activities and crafts!

The kids in my daycare are getting into a routine now and it is just fantastic. I love my life! I love watching these kids learn and grow. They  love to sing, dance, and do arts and crafts. I want to share a few of the activities and crafts that we have been doing in daycare. 

Below you see our Valentine Sensory Bottle. They had a ton of fun making a huge mess getting this organized. I gave each kid an empty bottle of baby food that had been washed and dried. Of course I let them play with the bottle for a little bit while I prepped the rest of the supplies.

It is so fun to watch what they do! 

I gave them a handful of the conversational hearts and they began putting them in the bottle. 

After they had some of the hearts in the bottle they began getting some of our colored rice to put in it. Most kids used their hands.... but my little guy wanted a 'fwork'... :) Needless to say, he ended up using his hands and making a huge mess! I love it. 

We also did some blotch painting. I let them paint their hearts as they wanted. They are so cute and it was so fun. After they finished we folded the hearts in half and made blots on each side. It is really cool how blotting them makes them look so cool. The kids loved it. 

Of course we had to use our homemade glitter. The kids love to use glue and put it down... and loove using our bottles to put the glitter down. They spent about 20 minutes doing this. It was so cute watching them .. just a little less fun cleaning up their mess! :)

This might be my favorite. We have been studying hearts so I made a color pallet matching game using hearts. It was interesting to watch the kids. One knew exactly what she was doing. Two halfway understood, and one did not have a clue. We are using these again tomorrow. 

While I was cleaning up their mess from the sensory bottles I told them all to sit down and shake their bottles. It was so cute seeing all of them lined up against my couch, shaking, shaking shaking. The love their sensory bottles. 

We also just did free art on hearts. I gave them kids lots of art supplies and they went to town. I had hoped to have the kids put the yarn through the holes. That was a bit too challenging for them. The rest of their art is completely on their own. 

I looooove seeing what everyone has to offer for daycares. It is even more fun when it is a holiday theme. I love themes. I can't wait for tomorrow because we have more fun things planned... including making M&M Cookies! 

Happy Friday!
-Big Sis