Friday, February 10, 2012

CHEAP Homemade Furnisher Polish!

So....I have been enjoying my homemade household cleaner so much lately.  I made that during the first part of January, and it has been so much help.  It is no doubt a money saver, and with the way I like to clean my counter-tops, it is so helpful.

So....I decided to make something else! Well you see...since my house living room really does have lots of dark wood furniture, it gets fairly dusty pretty quickly. So I use a lot of pledge, to try and keep my house looking nice.  So I decided that instead of spending all that money on furniture polish, I was going to make my own... and that is exactly what I did! 

It is super easy! Plus it is super cheap! Just buy olive oil and lemon juice.  Plus you can use the lemon juice for my household cleaner.  You can find the recipe for that by clicking the link.  Anything you can do to save money and still keep your house clean, why wouldn't you!

I know that when I do things like this, and make homemade things that also benefit my families budget, I really feel good about myself.  I mean not to sound weird, but it makes me feel good to know that I am doing something to help take care of my home and my family.  I cannot wait to be a stay at home mom one day and be able to do more things like this.  With the life I lead now it is hard to find time to spend working on homemade things, but one day, I will be able to really take care of my family and my home in this way.  If you didn't know my hearts desire is to stay at home once I have a family.  I know that desire is straight from the is strong, and I am constantly reminded of it.  I pray about it a lot, and my husband and I talk about it a lot.  I know that we are doing what we need to do right now.  We are both working, saving money, and I am finishing my masters degree. Then when the time comes, I continuously pray that we will be financially ready and stable to do this, and I know that the Lord hears the desires of my heart and wants good things for us, so I have faith that this will happen!

Just a couple of pics of me and my husband to show you who we are! I want to be able to get to know my readers, and it helps if you have a visual of who I am! and of course who my sweet husband Meguell is! 

Anyways, that is just a little part of my heart and dreams that I wanted to share with you.  Enjoy the recipe, and let me know if you use it and how you like it! 

Also don't forget, our Naturally-Nifty Linky Party #1 is finishing up tonight at midnight, so head over and link up before it ends.  We have had some great entries for our first ever linky party, and we cannot wait to feature some of those next week! Be sure to like some of your favorites, because that one will be featured too!