Friday, February 3, 2012

Homemade Glitter

We had so much fun at daycare making homemade glitter. Anything we can find to make homemade, we do! It is so much cheaper and so much more fun for the kids. They are so excited when we do things like this. First thing is we gathered all of the supplies. You need:
-Food Coloring
-Container for Shaking (or baggie)
-Container for your glitter

All of the kids got their own containers and they were able to pour as much salt into their container as they wanted. Some poured very little, others overflowed it, and there was one that actually stopped at the top! This is so fun for the kids when they are getting to do it themselves. 
The next thing is to put food coloring in their salt. I let each child have their own container of food coloring. I also let each child choose which color they wanted. Luckily I had enough that there were not arguments over who got which color. It worked out because we had several different colored glitters. Only one child as not content with just one color... that would be mine. He mixed in three colors and made a pretty blueish green. 

 My little man was way excited about the food coloring. The other kids enjoyed shaking their containers but not little man. He just wanted to put food coloring, more food coloring, and more food coloring! It was soo fun though. 
 After you have your food coloring in the salt and you have shook it up to make the colors all even- you can put it into a container. The kids were so proud of them. So I gave each child a piece of construction paper, glue stick, and glitter. They went to town, made a mess, and had FUN! :)

We LOOOOVE learning here at daycare! This is the home away from home for many of my kids... and we have so much fun doing different things! :)