Thursday, February 2, 2012

COME VOTE & Help Me Make a Choice


   In case you didn't know, our beautiful dalmatian Bella-Jane had puppies back in December.  She had 9 healthy full blood dalmatians. They are so cute and so fun! It has been so much fun to watch them grow from when they were first born, literally, to now when they are at the fun "toddler stage."

    Take a look at a few of these stages! 

   My husband and I are at the sad part.  We are taking them this weekend to the breeder who decided to buy all of them from us.  That was a blessing on it's own.  We had planned to spend the weekend at a big Trades Day in our childhood hometown and hope to sell them.  Instead, the breeder called and asked if he could buy them all.  So we saved time, money, and we don't have to pay $200 extra dollars for their shots either. And we made a whopping $2,100!  So that was all around a blessing.  

    Here's where you come in...and your vote MATTERS! My husband and I have known all along that we wanted to keep a dog.  But we have yet to make a decision on which dog.  We leave tomorrow night to drive the 5 1/2 hours home, and will take the puppies on Saturday, mid morning.  So we have to make a decision pretty quickly.  


    We both have a favorite, and we cannot agree on which dog to keep.  You have no idea how hard of a decision this is for me! So I am going to need your help! Please everyone leave a comment telling me your choice...if you were in my shoes and needed to decide. First let me tell you a little bit about the puppies!

His Choice...
This one is a little girl...she is skinny and sweet and looks a lot like the dog we have now.  One great thing about her is that...she is a female, and that has it's own perks.  The second thing is that because she looks like our dog, Bella, we pretty much know she will be beautiful even when she gets bigger.  Long & Lean, which we like. My husband likes her the most because of the way she looks, because her spots are defined. 

Her Choice...
This one is a little boy...he is normal sized, so sweet, and also so playful.  He has the cutest face ever as you can tell.  Also, he has really attached to me a lot, like he knows me well.  He always comes up to me, he hides under the chair as we put others dogs up, and stays out with us, and he always seems to find me.  I guess you could say we have made a connection and I have gotten attached :-)  He is different than our dog, so we don't know what he will look like when he gets bigger. He doesn't have as many spots that are defined like the other.  My favorite thing about him is his great personality! 

    GO AHEAD! Take a vote....which one is your favorite! 

-Little Sis

Also, take a look, the Natural-NesterS officially have their very own button! Located on our right side bar! We would love for you to support us by putting it somewhere on your blog! 

Plus we are talking about having our very first Link Party sometime soon! Yay! We can't wait to host a party! We love linking up to other parties and checking out everyone's wonderful creations and ideas! So go on and get a head start by subscribing to our page and putting our button on your blog! Then you will for sure be ready when the party gets here!