Monday, January 9, 2012

Small Organization Tip

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If you don't know, I work at a University as the Student Activities Coordinator.  It is a wonderful job! Basically, what I do is get to plan all of the fun events that happen around campus! So throughout the year I throw parties, contests, dances, etc. for our students to enjoy! 
Well I came back to work last Wednesday, but students do not return to campus until next Tuesday.  So although my job is for students, I am here about a week and a half before them...which means I have little to do.  

So, getting inspired by all of the organization going on in blogland, I decided to start taking some steps to make my oh so fun Activities Closet look more organized.  Although everything is pretty much in it's place, in a plastic bin, and even most of them have labels, it still tends to look pretty messy.  So after reading a Tatertots & Jello  post the other day and seeing what she did to her cleaning closet I got a wonderful idea.  I wanted to add some nice, fun labels! And she gave out the perfect free printable for that!

 I have attached those great labels at the bottom of this post, so that you can enjoy and use them for your own organization projects too! They are so fun, basically what I did was put them in Microsoft Word as a photo and print as many on a page as possible.  Then if you want to put words on each label you can do that on word and print them out.  Another clever idea I came up with though was to print the labels blank, laminate them in my handy-dandy lamination machine, and then tape them nicely to the plastic containers.  Then I used an expo marker, not an ordinary dry-erase marker because those words come off easily, but an expo marker that you need spray to erase them.  Then, since things in the closet are constantly changing, my labels will be easy to change and are always up-to-date! small tip: putting nice labels on things makes a world of a difference! Check out the difference in the before and after pics of my Activities Closet! 

Here is this great printable label for you.  Just right click and save it to your computer as a picture then do what you want with it! Be sure to stop by TT&J to share your thanks to her for sharing this with us! 

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