Sunday, November 25, 2012

Black Friday Goodies!!

Happy Holidays everyone!! I hope yall have had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and if you were off work, a wonderful break! I know we have!

We cooked a lot of food, ate a lot of food, did a lot of crafts/projects, shopped some, went to the movies, and decorated for Christmas! All in all, a great week! (btw I am so excited to spot light some of our recent crafts with you....there is a sneak peak of one of them in this post) :-)

So anyways, I wanted to share with you all the goodies I found during the Black Friday Sales!!

First off, apologies for this being such bad photo quality....
These jewels I found on Thursday family decided to venture out to Wal-Mart at 10pm to check out the sales.  I didn't get a ton, and probably could've gotten these any time at Wal-Mart haha but it was fun to watch the crazy shoppers. 
Here's what I got: 
New tupperware, cinnamon glitter pine cones, two dads: Something Borrowed & the Holiday, and two squishy mats/rugs. 

I got 3 large candles and a full size lotion from Bath & Body Works for only $22!! 
And this would normally cost me $72.50 + tax!! 
How you ask, well it was because the candles were 2 for $20, plus I had two coupons that got me $10 off a $30 purchase plus a free full size product with a store purchase! 
I love Bath & Body Candles. 
Here are the scents I got: 
-Enchanted lotion (amazing)
-Twisted Peppermint Candles
-Fireside Candle
-Winter Night Candle

Then at Lifeway I got these Veggietale dvd's for $2.99 each and the book my husband had on his Christmas list for $5!! 

This is a present for my 6 yr old niece, and adorable owl backpack! I will fill it with fun goodies for her! 
I got this for $10 at Michael's! 

Then Target had some good sales on Men's Clothing.  I got these three shirts for my husband for Christmas, all either $10 or $12!! That's pretty dang good, and they are pretty dang cute :-) 

Now for a small reveal of one of the crafts my husband and I conquered during this holiday break!! 
This is what our mantel went from this weekend....goodbye Thanksgiving, hello Christmas time! 

We made the star from old wood and ribbon! There are more decorations around it now, this was just the beginning.  More news on our Christmas time mantel coming soon! 

DON'T FORGET!! Tomorrow is Cyber Monday so be sure to check out the deal we have in the Naturally Nifty Boutique!! 
Use Coupon Code: CYBER MONDAY to get 15% off

We are also having a deal in the Naturally Fit Sisters Store, so head over and check that out too! 

HAPPY Cyber Monday haha