Friday, October 5, 2012


Happy Birthday Celebration FINAL DAY! 


It is so amazing how grown we are. So many memories of our childhood.. but one of my ultimate favorite was during the summers when me, her, and our big brother would play STORE or SCHOOL. I remember setting up our three rooms as different stores.. and I remember that Shane ALWAYS had to be the banker! :) He would be so proud of the girl that Brittany has become. He was always so proud of who she was. It is so hard to believe that we have both now celebrated our 3rd birthday without him. Is this right? Did I do my math right? Wow! Not to get sappy here.. I just want to say that he would be BEYOND proud of who his little sister is! I know he is looking down smiling at her everyday... but smiling even bigger today because our baby sister is 25. 

Brittany is hands down one of my two best friends. I am truly blessed to say that my BEST FRIENDS are my mom and my sister. Who gets to say that? I am so blessed. I can't wait to live closer to my best friends. Brittany encourages me to be a better person... and in the same breath can aggravate the tar out of me.. Pretty sure that this goes for both of us! Hey Little Sis- you might be 25 today- but next year we are going to have a REAL great time celebrating our 30th and 26th since we should be living closer. I love you BT! 


Today we have one last Giveaway! One lucky person is going to win all kinds of goodies! You can see below what you will win! 

In the above picture.. you will get a Sweat Pink bag, because we LOVE to SWEAT PINK!
You will get an orange collapsible water bottle. 
You will get a huge canister of Chia Seeds! I love them. 
AND you will also get a... what?? What is that? Oh yes.. a Starbucks Giftcard.. for $15!! 

Then from Little Sis you will also be getting a few great things from my Etsy shop the Naturally-Nifty Boutique, plus a couple more of my favorite things.  Check them out below.  

Above you will see a wire head wrap, these are awesome head bands that can be worn multiple ways, but the great thing is, that with wire it stays in place and you wrap it, you don't have to tie it.  Next you will see a wonderful pair of pink shoelaces!! We love to share the PINK and encourage everyone to Sweat Pink! Next is a different kind of shoelace.  These are the iRun Elastic Laces...these are very functional, and so helpful when running/working out.  Then the next price is a custom sized/made pearl nest ring from the Naturally-Nifty Boutique. 

The great thing about this GIVEAWAY is that one person wins EVERYTHING! So be sure to enter, and share this with your friends! 

Also, thanks so much for celebrating my 25th Birthday with me! ...."it's kind of a big deal!" :-) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway