Wednesday, October 17, 2012

GIVEAWAY-Nutrition Snob

We are back with our Wednesday GIVEAWAYS!
We have a bunch of awesome/fun things lined up for the rest of the year to Giveaway to YOU! and we are SO EXCITED to share today's GIVEAWAY from Nutrition Snob!!

First off, you have got to go visit her Etsy shop! She sells a bunch of cute fitness apparel.  From tanks to cute sweatshirts, and they have some great sayings on them!

Here we are in our Nutrition Snob sweatshirts! How cute huh!!

These sweatshirts are so amazing. They are so soft and such a comfortable fit. We bought them in our size and they fit perfectly. If you are wanting big, soft, comfort we recommend going one size up and to have that. We, personally, are happy with the sizes we got because they can be used for comfort or cuteness. Now that Big Sis has a belly starting to poke out with Baby #2, it clings a little more than it did when we first got them! 

These sweaters have already been washed and dried several times. I, Big Sis, was a little worried about washing mine because I don't have that perfect body like Lil Sis :) But these sweatshirts bounced back to the same fit from when we first got them! They have not shrunk or changed color. You will love how the shirts are after you wash them. 

Sometimes when you wash sweatshirts they seem to "beat up"... these do not do that. The inside of the sweatshirts are a very soft material. This did not change at all with washing either! :) 

The other thing we were totally amazed by was the print. When we got them in the mail the print shocked us. The print is imprinted in the shirt. You can't feel it on top of the shirt. It is thin and comfortable. Many times we have seen that the shirts that we have gotten similar to this the printing quality isn't something we are extremely happy about. However, Nutrition Snob has her print shop set up where she has the best quality. 

We support Nutrition Snob and her business adventures because we love her product AND she is a fellow USAF sister. (Well we aren't in the military, but Big Sis' husband is)... 

Oh and how exciting.. today we just saw one of her newer shirts that Big Sis plans to purchase.. and it is so adorable. It says "Pregnant IS the NEW Skinny!"

And do you notice something different about these photos...?
Can you guess??

That's right, Big Sis & Little Sis are in the same photo!
Big Sis is here this week visiting with our family in Texas, and Little Sis took off work to come to their home town too! We are so happy to be together, and so excited because this Sunday we are doing a half marathon together...Little Sister's first, Big Sister's third!

We look forward to showing you more exciting posts with us together after our vacation.  As for now though we are off in our cute sweatshirts to go see some friends and family! would you like to Win a Free Nutrition Snob Shirt of your choice!?!? Here are a few more with cute sayings!

All you have to do is enter the rafflecopter to win! 
Good Luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway