Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 3 Birthday Celebration!

Day 3

We are so excited to be able to continue to bring you these awesome Giveaways. As we have said, we are OHHH, so thankful for these businesses that have so graciously chose to be part of our celebration. We hope you continue to be excited about this giveaway as we are... Be sure to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!

Today we are so excited to tell you about Gina over at Peace Babi Boutique! She has some very beautiful and meaningful products. If you want to know more about Gina, I suggest you go HERE and read. Gina is a fellow Sweat Pink Ambassador and we are totally stoked to have her involved in this Celebration with us. We asked Gina to tell you a little bit about herself and her business so you could get to know her, and this is what she had to say:

My craving for creativity has always been a part of me. Growing up I was always known as the girl with the box of string. I would make jewelry anywhere and everywhere. The little entrepreneur in me even had a stand in front of my house where I would sell my work; I must say I did pretty well!
As the years passed my creative gene took a back seat to adulthood while I was distracted with school, college and then my career. I’ve now reached a point in my life where these things just aren’t enough and I’m craving more fulfillment. So, why not rewind back a few (or many) years and put some color back into my life. My first step was starting my Blog, Burning Babi Fat. This Blog gave me an outlet to inspire myself as well as others who may need some motivation or just some fun reading! My next step came on an extremely stressful day when I was completely overwhelmed (Yep! It was one of those days!). I ran to the Art Store (Yes, I know…Not your typical place to de-stress haha) and I picked up a bunch of supplies. Before I knew it I had a bunch of beautiful bracelets created! I was so excited and felt so good about it that I considered turning this into something more than just a hobby. Once I saw all of my friends take such an interest in them, I decided in that moment to share them with all of you!
Behind the name Peace Babi
After going back and forth with a million ideas, I finally decided to title my jewelry line,

Peace Babi
Peace: a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in personal relations: Try to live in peace with your neighbors.
Calmness, hush, patience, peace, peace of mind, peacefulness, placidity, quiet, repose, rest, restraint, serenity, silence, stillness, stoicism, tranquility
Babi: Baby, kid stuff, silly, sissy, darling, heartbeat, honey, idol, love, lover, object of affection, one and only, prize, rave, sugar, sweetheart, tootsie, treasure, true love

Peace Babi, perfectly suits the type of style that I would like my jewelry to perceive! I am such a hippie at obsessed with that era that I wish I could have partaken in that generation’s festivities (not the kind you’re thinking!). Deep down we all crave tranquility and a peaceful mindset. Sometimes you just can’t take life too seriously or you’ll never survive!

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. - Albert Einstein

Sometimes we just need to be silly and tap back into our childhood! It doesn’t matter how old or young we is too short! I’m a huge fan of being random and silly, and yes I laugh at my own jokes!

I hope that the energy and heart that I put into each and every one of my pieces brings you a little sense of fun, peace and inspiration!

Check Her Out at These Places:
One of my favorite things about her is that she really promotes Breast Cancer Awareness with her bracelets. She has several that she has created just for this reason. I have actually been looking at getting one because they are so beautiful and support such a great cause. 15% of her profit goes to Breast Cancer Awareness. That is AWESOME!

Breast Cancer Awareness Bracelet

We are so excited to tell you that ONE of you will WIN a BRACELET that she created just for you!! Isn't that so exciting? Seriously, WE want to enter! :) This is the bracelet you will win if you do win.. SO even if you are male- go ahead an enter, some lovely lady would love this bracelet. 

The second Giveaway for today is from Megan over at Hair Accessories by Meg. She has the most precious bows on her Etsy Shop for girls! If I find out this is a girl that we are having.. I will be getting some of these bows. Someone is going to be SO lucky to get these adorable bows that she has created for you!! Even if you don't have a baby girl, I am POSITIVE you know someone that would love them! These items are clearly hand made with love and I can't wait to see who wins them! We have asked Megan to share a little bit about herself with you guys too.. so enjoy:

Hello! My name is Megan, and I am a fifth grade teacher in northeastern Pennsylvania. I started my hair accessory shop on Etsy this summer, and plan on continuing it during my spare time. I have always enjoyed being crafty, and found something I really love doing! :)

Check her out here:

So without further talking, I want to show you the beautiful headbands she created for you. She also wanted to mention to you that if you are the winner that she will need to know this:

I just need to know what size the winners want. Here are my sizes: 
Newborn: 13"
3-6 mos: 14"
6-12 mos: 15"
12-24 mos: 16"
24 mos-Teen: 17"
Adult: 18"
Or they can measure their child's head where they would wear the band, and I'll make it a little smaller so it will stretch.

Aren't these BEAUTIFUL and SO classy. One of you will be so lucky to win two ADORABLE head bands for your little love bug! Go ahead.. you know you want to enter! :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

*All Giveaways will run for ONE week. ALL winners will be announced on Sunday, October 14th*

Don't Miss Out on The Other Birthday Celebration Giveaways!