Thursday, August 23, 2012

Guest Post: Running Her First 5K

We are so EXCITED to have Elise sharing with us today! For those of you that think you will never be a runner, read on and let Elise inspire you! 

Hello hello! I'm Elise, the face and blogger behind That's Comma With A K.
I'm so excited to be guest posting today and sharing with you readers a little about me!

I'm a twenty-something wife to a chemical engineer by day, who seems to turn into a Wyoming rancher by the weekend. I'm lucky enough to be a stay-at-home mama to the most amazing little boy...ever. I blog in sweats, during nap-time, instead of doing the dishes or the laundry...oh and I have big hair, and when I say big hair, it adds at least a good inch!

Raise your hand if you have run the happiest 5k on the planet ?!
I HaVe, I HaVe!
3.1 miles of color madness to be exact!
I should preference this post and say [as I've said many times before] I am a complete
wanna-be runner. I don't think I have ever ran more than a mile, at one time, for fun, before. ever.
But after having my son, and wanting to get rid of the baby weight once and for all, I felt like I needed something to switch up my work-outs even more. So I signed up for my very first 5k back in February,trained my little heart out for the past few months,and finally ran it this past weekend in Denver!
For those of you who haven't heard about The Color Run, here's the shortest version of what this race is all about....It's known as the happiest 5k on the planet [because it truly is]...all of the proceeds go to charity, & at every kilometer there is a "color station" that you run through and get "colored" [see below]!
Here we are. so fresh. so clean, before the race!
I was able to run with the most amazing women!
"h o t   m a m a s   o n  t h e   r u n!"
 [the blue "coloring" station]
[running through the yellow color station!]
 [I had the best and cutest side line cheerleader. ever.]
  [after the race, all colored up!]

I don't think I've had this much fun while running in...forever. I think I finally understand the phrase "working out can be fun!"
Every single one of you should probably just do yourself a favor and sign up for a Color Run near you! I've had so many people email me about the race, about my experience, and asking questions, so here's some pointers [you know, since I'm pretty much pro now!]
-wear sunglasses!
-bring a bandana to cover your mouth from the color dust!
-Your hair will be a rainbow of colors once you are done running, so plan the next few days accordingly!
-When your child freaks out because he doesn't recognize you after your race, don't get happy that you are that colorful!
-Don't be alarmed if you blow your nose afterwards and you have purple and turquoise snot!
-Be prepared for the best morning of your life!

 I just signed up for another Color Run back in my home state of Idaho...
I just can't get enough!

Stop by the Blog anytime!! 

Don't forget about our two Giveaways!! Only a FEW more hours!