Thursday, August 2, 2012

Daycare Dump--and need advice...


I feel like it has been FOREVER since I have written about what we have been doing in daycare. Life has taken over and we have been so busy, having so much fun in daycare. So much fun that at times I have not even gotten pictures-- or have forgotten to get my boy alone doing each activity.. SO I am sad I can't post everything. But so excited to share. I know that when I am unsure what exactly to do I go to my favorite Daycare/Preschool blogs to look up awesome crafts. So go ahead and enjoy these pictures.. My kids have had so much fun lately. 
I bought these cute frames at Wal-Mart for less than $1 each. I am always looking at crafts stuff that is on clearance in any store that I go to. I am actually pretty addicted to it. The kids had so much fun painting with QTips on their frames. Then they put stickers spelling out their names on it!! It was a beautiful day outside and we had so much fun doing our crafts out there!! 

We love stickers. I found some Dr. Suess stickers on clearance at Michaels! I LOVE THAT STORE! So we did one paper full of any stickers they wanted.. While they did that, I put their names on another paper.. then we used some new glitter, color glue and they 'painted' their very own pictures. Activities like this is so much fun for them. We do a lot of 'school work'... so their craft time is time for them to be creative. I love watching them! 

We juice! OF course we juice! The kids LOVE making their own juice and as long as there is enough fruit in it, they are game to drink it. My boy enjoys drinking it with a lot of carrots, some celery, some cucumber, and like one apple. We post mostly carrots in his, but my daycare kids can't seem to enjoy our veggie juice just yet. I do keep pushing it though! 

Now, I could NOT resist these cozies for 50 cents a piece. The kids had a blast painting them as gifts for their Mommy and Daddy... They each got the color they wanted and went to down.. It was so cute. They kept calling it their cup.

We made ABC cookies with our new cookie cutters. We also painted with those cookie cutters AND we used them on play dough. We love ABCs around here. 

We made homemade window paint. This was so messy, but SO fun. They just painted and painted and painted. The best part was- the water hose took it right off! 

Of course we had to make homemade chalk too. I loved this. I loved how it dried looking just like chalk. We will be doing this again this week. The kids loved this... it was fun, messy, and easy. Have you ever tried doing this?

OH and we painted. How we love to paint here. We used sponges to finger paint. I think I saw this idea on Pinterest or somewhere.. but instead of squirting paint on their plates.. I put it on the sponge. We used a lot less paint, less mess, and then when it dries on the sponge, I can still reuse the sponges. 

I went a little Back To School Happy this past week. Spent some time in the school supplies aisle.. Got all of the kids their own crayon box, which they colored.. their own crayons, own glue, on spiral notebook for coloring, folder for their work for the week, and their own clipboard, in which we painted their name. Now instead of having extra clothes and shoes piled in their baskets we have their 'school supplies'... So far it seems to be helping out in the arguing over crayons department! 

We did a beach theme this past week. One of my kids grandparents' sent seashells from Florida.. so we incorporated them into our week. We talked about how the shells came from the beach, the beach is at the ocean, the ocean has salt water.. we even tasted our own saltwater. We talked about the animals in the ocean! We had a blast. We made shell creatures, painted shells, painted WITH shells, and the final project was making picture frames with the shells.. They turned out so cute! This was so much fun. When we go to FL in Feb.. definitely bringing more home. 

As always we have a blast.. and we are learning.. 


Right now I am stuck. Though I am a teacher, I have never taught this young.. If you have taught kids to read- what books do you recommend using? It is that time... and I need advice!