Monday, August 20, 2012

Blast from the Past: Mt. Fuji

It has been 3 years since we had the time of our life climbing Mt. Fuji. This post is going to be a blast from the past! :) I am going to include in this blog the post I wrote after we got home from Mt. Fuji in Tokyo, Japan! After that post I will show you some beautiful pictures of the country we called home for three years.... 

This is my man and me today! :) 

What a great story I have for our little baby! :) We have pictures, tons of them from our weekend in Tokyo.. but I just have not gotten around to uploading them yet. Something else has totally sidetracked my brain! Can you even believe that Nate and I will be having a baby? We are the people that no one expected to have a baby. I mean, logically- it only makes sense right? We have been married over 6 years- I have a Masters- he is doing great in his career.. But all in all, who cares about the next step?? We are very happy. In a great state of shock.. YES!!! On Thursday we will be six weeks a long! It is so hard not to worry.. and for those of you that know me, you know that I am a HUGE worrywort.. but I am giving this to God and praying over our baby all day everday! Please join in with us on that!! It is funny how it happened:

I was on the phone with a friend the morning we got back from Tokyo.. and I was telling her about Fuji and everything since she is going this weekend. I began to explain to her this story: On our way home from Tokyo, I was nautious like CRAZY! I got sick on the bus and threw up all over my seat! :) My sweet husband cleaned it all up. She then joked with me about being pregnant! I didnt think so... but I thought- eh, Ill take a test! Mind you, for anyone that knows me.. I am VERY irregular.. so taking a test- just comes natural for me! Well when the test came up POSITIVE VERY BRIGHTLY.. I had to go wake Nate up. I was kinda freaking. So 5 home tests later... and one confirmation from the doctor.. WE ARE PREGNANT..

But as we look back on the few weeks past.. we see so many signs that we were not reading into being pregnant. A little over a week ago, Nate was popping my back and I just complained about my chest hurting so bad.. but in all honesty, we didnt think anything of it. The nautious feeling the days before we found out, we just thought it was from teh high altitude of Fuji and then being carsick.. And it is funny because the night before I found out.. we were sitting here at home and he asked me "why have you started eating so much more?" which it isnt muuuch more- but anyone that kinows me.. knows that I limit myself.. and I seemed to be snacking more!!!

We cant believe it!! We are so happy.. it is becoming more real as the hours go by. I can not wait until the first ultrasound! I thnk it is great that I climbed Fuji.. preggo too! THANK GOD that I wasnt sick going up and down the mountain! :) So, that is our story-- Ill keep you posted!
Written July 28, 2009

What great memories that day, of finding out we were having our little one... But for now, I would LOVE to share some pictures of our Fuji Trip and relive that awesome weekend with you..

The day we arrived in Tokyo

Climbing to the Summit of Mt. Fuji

Beautiful.. we were above the clouds

We are almost there! (My pictures got all out of order)

Torii Gate

We only have a few steps left! 

Night after climbing Mt. Fuji, notice our sun burns! 

Going back down! 

Morning After.. Breakfast, Japanese style.. 


This is down low- it isn't to foggy

Look at that

Oh, yes we did climb that! 

Going up...

And up...

This was something I will never forget. Japan holds such a special place in my heart and will ALWAYS hold that place. Climbing Mt. Fuji was one of the last things we did before finding out our lives were about to change- FOR THE BETTER! My husband and I were so blessed to be able to have so many experiences before our little boy came... but we continue to enjoy life even still-- with a 2 year old! 

Anyways, I just wanted to share my blast from the past with you guys!! 

What is your most memorable vacation/trip?

-Big Sis!