Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Me, Myself & I

This week we are joining Breanna from My Beautiful Crazy Life for the Me, Myself & I Linky Party!! 
So enjoy having some fun and getting to know a little more about the Natural-Nesters! 

Big Sis

1. If you could relive any day of your life, what would it be?

I would relive the day I left for Japan in June 2008. It was such a beautiful day.. just my family. My mom, step-dad, sister, brother, his wife, nieces, and nephew. Everything about that day was perfect all the way down to my crying because they said my luggage was too heavy... to my step-dad and brother fixing it. I remember the way Shane, my brother, comforted me. He kept telling me to calm down that they would fix it.. and they did. And I got to take all of my stuff. If I had known that day was going to be the last day I would EVER see my big brother alive or hug him again... I wouldn't have worried about the retiredness of having to pay for overage on my luggage. I wouldn't have cared anything about .. well anything except enjoying Shane's presence a little more, hugging him a little tighter, and fighting the urge to run into his arms and let him keep me in Texas vs. getting on the plane to meet my husband for our move to Japan. We all miss him and we all hurt. But sometimes when I am feeling sorry for myself I get angry.. Angry that I am the only one that missed out on so much of his life and our life together in the year and a half that I spent in Japan before he died. We were so excited to see each other and we had already made plans... that never happened. If I had known the next time I would see him we would be planning his funeral, I would have spent a little extra time planning his Christmas and Birthday gifts .. I would relive that day in a heartbeat. That day is tattooed in my heart and mind and I can never get away from it... I could go on and on.. Enough.

2. Name the songs on your lives soundtrack.

When You Say Nothing At All: Alison Kraus
Turn Back the Hands of Time: R. Kelley
Praise you in this Storm: Casting Crowns
Everything I do, I do for you: Brian Adams
Fancy: Reba McEntire
My Redeemer Lives: Hillsong
Come Now Fountain

3.  What is your biggest phobia?

4. If you could stay one age forever, what would it be?
26. When I was 26, my brother was still alive (for a little over 2 months) and I became a mom!

Little Sis

1. If you could relive any day of your life, what would it be?
I am going to change this question to which day of my life would I change and relive...and the answer to that is my wedding day.  And the change I would make would be that my brother would have been alive and been able to be there.  My brother died in a car wreck about 2 weeks before I got married in December 2009.  My wedding day was perfect except that he was not there.  One thing that makes me the saddest is that I have wonderful family photos and I was so beautiful on my wedding day, but my brother is not in any of my pictures.  (pictures are very important to me) My brother was a big part of my life, he was the older brother that always took care of us...that beat up on us as kids, but took up for us and would let no one else hurt us :-) So I was looking forward to my wedding day when I was all dressed up.  I was literally looking forward to my brother hugging me and telling me how proud of me he was and how beautiful I looked...and I never heard him say that.   So that is what I would change and relive!

2. Name the songs on your life soundtrack.
All of the Rascal Flatts songs
Empire State of Mind by Jay Z (although I don't listen to a lot of this music, this song is so inspiring lol and makes me want to be in New York....I have never been)
Shane & Shane music
**sorry I'm really broad lol

3.  What is your biggest phobia?
Being when I was little I had a reoccurring dream that men on motorcycles were chasing me down my driveway.  I would try to hide in the ditch or under my trampoline...anywhere, but I could never get away.  I never made it to the part of the dream where they got me...Thank the Lord! But that is scary!

5. If you could stay one age forever, what would it be?
Maybe 21.....not for any big reason, that was a good year though...I was engaged and planning my wedding which I LOVED...and my brother was still alive, so those are very good reasons.

Don't forget ALL of our Going-Ons

1. Make sure you enter into our GIVEAWAY for the awesome coconut oil before it ends in a few days.
2. Be sure you go like our FACEBOOK Page. When we get to 1000, we are going to have a huge group giveaway! 
3. Don't forget to link your awesomeness up at our LINKY PARTY!!