Sunday, July 22, 2012


*You have five days left to enter into our awesome Giveaway!
*Don't forget to "like" our FB Page .. because when we hit 1000 "likes" we will have an awesome giveaway. 
Getting awards for our blog is so fun. We really love when people tell us they are picking us to receive the great honor they have received.. it makes blogging so worth it. We are building so many new friendships with the blog and we just love it. 

Today we were awarded the One Lovely Blog and Very Inspiring Blogger Award from our friend, Karri, at My Life's a Treasure. Karri's blog is great. Being a wife and mommy like us (thought little sis only to pups) we can really relate to a lot of things she writes about. She has beautiful children and really enjoys her family. I love the posts that she has on her DIY items, recipes, and even her link up parties. When you get time, go check her out. 

Thank you SO much, Karri, for thinking about us! 

One Lovely Blog and Very Inspiring Blogger Award

The rules for the award are simple:
1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 Things about yourself
3. Nominate 15 bloggers you admire
4. Leave a comment on their blogs letting them know they have been nominated. 

Lucky for YOU!! You get to read 14 things about us since we both will write 7 things! 

Big Sis:

1. I have a Bachelors and Masters Degree but CHOSE to be home with my boy.
2. I plan to homeschool my children and I am so excited for this.
3. I have only dated one man... he became my husband. 
4. My mom and sister truly are my best friends.
5. I am 100% okay with co-sleeping.
6. I worry  more than the average person... and think up ridiculous things in my head to worry about all the time. 
7. I am addicted to running races.. and I can't wait to do my 2nd and 3rd 1/2 Marathons in the next 6 months. 

Little Sis:

1. I've always wanted to intern/work at a donut shop (for a short period) just to learn how to make good donuts
2. My biggest heart desire is to be a mom--both biological and spiritual
3. I have an bachelors degree in criminal justice and am currently in my master's program getting a degree in Counseling...but really I just want to be a stay at home mom! 
4. I'm the youngest in my entire family...not only in my siblings, but I was also the youngest out of 9 cousins. 
5. I love doing active/outdoorsy/athletic things with my husband.  For EX: mountain biking, hiking, going to the gym, running, etc. 
6. I would love to be able to teach workout classes one day--especially yoga and kickboxing! 
7. I hope to one day be able to stay at home and maybe start my own business with things that I build/make/design! 

Bloggers that WE nominate because we love them so much and think they 
inspire us!

6. babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, oh my!
7. Running with Sass
8. Captivated
9. Insanity Rules
10. My Beautiful Crazy Life
11. A Beautiful Day
12. The Grant Life
13. Goings on in Texas
14. Finding my Way in Texas
15. A Night Owl 

For real guys these are some awesome bloggers so be sure to stop by and say hey and get to know them!