Thursday, June 21, 2012

Texas Bloggers Series

So tomorrow I, Brittany aka Little Sis will leave the country to venture out to Trinidad & Tobago with a group from my church.  As I have mentioned before, my husband and I will be leading a group of our college students along with some people from our church worship team to do a mission trip there for 10 days!

We are super excited about the trip! We will be working with Every Home For Christ Ministries while we are there.  One of the main parts of our trip will be to host a night & day Prayer and Worship Center.  Our team has practiced numerous hours on this, there is much more to it than you would think.  Getting all the instruments and singers in sync along with knowing the format of when/how we are worshipping at the time and when people will break in to lead prayer.  We are super excited about this though.  We will also be doing street ministry in the community! Our college students are so excited about this part! That is what we normally do on our college trips, a lot of evangelism and prayer, so they are well trained, and totally stoked! It is so exciting and motivating to see how their excitement to love on people and tell them about Christ well out weighs their fear of speaking to strangers. We know that our God is bigger than our fears or rejection, and that he is faithful to show up to do work! I cannot wait to get back and update you all on what the Lord did while we were there! Look for that post sometime at the first of July!
But, while we are gone if you would like to keep up with us, we are keeping a small blog called Mission-Trinidad! Be sure to check it out, we will be posting pics, giving updates on how we are doing, and sharing some great testimonies about how good the Lord is!  

For now though, while I am gone, we will be hosting a Texas Bloggers Series!

Texas Bloggers

Recently both of us, (Big & Little Sis) joined a Texas Bloggers group...which has been awesome! We have loved getting to know other Texas Bloggers! Although Cassey doesn't live in Texas now, she is still a naturally born Texan at heart! Anyways, it is so fun to get to know people who live near you, and build a community within blogging and a support system. I have definitely loved it because I felt like every blogger that I connected with lived up North.  But meeting Texas bloggers makes it a reality that I may get to meet them in person one day! Which I love! 

Anyways, so I have some of the wonderful Texas Bloggers who will be visiting this week! I encourage you all to enjoy what they share here, then go over and visit their blogs and see what they are all about! (and of course leave them some comment love saying that you are visiting from Natural-Nesters, & even become their newest follower) 

I hope you all will enjoy getting to know some new people while I am gone.  Of course Cassey, aka Big Sis will still be updating some, and the Naturally-Nifty Parties and WLW's will for sure still be going on! 

Actually, as a side note...on TUESDAY, JUNE 26th, we will be hosting our 20TH NATURALLY-NIFTY PARTY!! Which if you don't know is a Big Deal for us, and we are so excited! So to share our excitement with you, we will be giving away a beautiful summer wreath made my ME! So be sure to stay tuned and join in on the parties while I'm gone and you could have your chance to win a wonderful peacock colored wreath with your last name initial on it! Just keep an eye out for the button below, and you will know it is the BIG DAY! 

Anyways, I will miss you all! I hope you will enjoy the Texas Blogger Series and these wonderful guest bloggers! 
Finding My Way in Texas
the Grant life

Goings on in Texas
Howdy Girl

Covered in Grace

Also be sure to stop by Randee's Organized Chaos today to check out the Natural-Nesters featured at Toot Your Own Horn today!