Thursday, June 28, 2012

Texas Blogger Series: A Beautiful Day

We are excited to continue with our Texas Blogger Series! But we wanted to remind you of our link up party going on right now and especially the GIVEAWAY!! Go ahead and enter AND link up your awesomeness!! 

I am so excited for you all to meet this wonderful Texas blogger Julie! She is so sweet, and so inspiring in her blog,  A Beautiful Day. I'm so glad that Julie wanted to come over and share with us all here at Natural-Nesters! Enjoy her joyful spirit, then head over to A Beautiful Day and let her know how much you enjoyed her visit! You won't regret getting to know this sweet blogger a little more! 

Hi, Natural-Nesters readers!  I am Julie and I am guest posting today.  You can usually find me posting at A Beautiful Day.  I love to blog, although sometimes a bit sporadic....I love the fact that I am documenting important and sometimes not so important things to look back on in the future.  I don't think that I would say that my blog has a theme per se, but I do tend to blog about things that I am passionate about:  My family is small, just my parents and my son here in Texas.  We are small, but there is a lot of love.  My son is truly the light of my life!  I share custody with his father, which is difficult but I always try to make the most of our time together.  He is very smart and is very passionate about salt water fish tanks.  He wants to be a marine biologist.  My fur-baby Jack, is quite the character.  He has more energy than any one cat should have and he is fiesty to a fault...biting is not unusual.  Frowned upon, but not unusual!  He usually makes a blog appearance at least once a month via a link up that I participate in.  I love to scrapbook....I think it started about 4 years ago and has just snowballed from there.  I have not completed one project for myself yet, but I have several in the planning stages.  Pretty much all the ones that I have completed have gone to others for gifts or been work that I have done for my business Pictures and Pens.  If you are interested, please stop by my Facebook page to view all of my projects.

My sweet little family

This not so little guy has my heart

This guy is trouble with a capital "T"....but we love him just the same

Can't get enough of scrapbooking....caught the bug about 4 years ago...I am truly addicted
I came upon Natural Nesters because Brittany and I both joined a Facebook Group for ladies that blog in Texas....aptly titled Texas Bloggers.

Texas Bloggers

Such a fun group of ladies!  We have started weekly Google+ chats that I am really excited about.  Last week I had some technical difficulties, but am definitely looking forward to next time and meeting more of the ladies from the group.  That was one of the things that I was most looking forward to when I started blogging...meeting others that I would probably never cross paths with were it not for our love of blogging.  A few of us are actually in the DFW metroplex or not too far away that we can evenually plan a meet up.  Can't wait for that!!!

If you have a chance, I would love for you to drop by my little piece of the blog world..  I love visitors and love to meet new people!!!

Thank you so much, Brittany for giving me the opportunity to guest post here at Natural Nesters!  It has truly been my pleasure.  I hope that you are having a wonderful and rewarding time on your mission trip!

xoxo, Jules

Don't forget while I am gone if you would like to keep up with us, we are keeping a small blog called Mission-Trinidad! Be sure to check it out, we will be posting pics, giving updates on how we are doing, and sharing some great testimonies about how good the Lord is!