Thursday, June 14, 2012

30th Casino Birthday Bash

The Blogging World is such a wonderful place to go when looking for party ideas! My sweet husband turned 30 this month and I wanted to make his party spectacular! ... And spectacular it was! I didn't know really which route I wanted to take... but finally decided on a Casino Bash. I may not have been as frugal as we normally like to be with this one... but everyone that came had a great time. There are so really amazing blogs out there with really, really amazing ideas for this type of party! Today I am going to share with you what I did!

First of all I researched and researched and researched... and I talked to people until I was blue in the face. I through many ideas off of Lil' Sis and a friend... until finally I had the perfect plan. I decided to bring in a professional black jack dealer with a table and a bartender to help the party out. It was actually very nice... because once the set up was complete and the party started... I didn't have to do much.. the party took off and everyone enjoyed themselves.

I had no clue how many people would be attending... I did a facebook invite, but for the first time in over 9 years I do not know all of the guys in the Fire Department my husband works at... so I was depending on a few to share the news with the others. Share the word they did... I am sure an open, FREE bar helped. Though I am not really a drinker or a gambler, I knew that my husband and the guys would enjoy this party ... and that is exactly what I wanted to happen!

After I had everything set up, I remembered I had these huge decorative playing cards to get put up... Thank you Oriental Trading. They are randomly placed around my house for the party.. and look great. Before the party started I walked back into my kitchen and was instantly thrown off by how my King was over further to the left than my Ace was to the right- so i did fix it... but did not think to take another picture, lol.. So, please excuse the way that looks. We had lots of finger foods and Sloppy Joes! They were a huge hit. 

This little snack bar was in the same room with the bar, which you can see below. The bartender hung out in here and fixed the drinks that people asked for. It really was pretty neat and I am so glad I went this route.. and strangely enough, it sure helped to keep my house cleaner... One person making all the drinks, yes please. 

I just loved these shot glasses I ordered from Oriental Trading. The whole theme was casino, so it said "Nate's 30? He demands a RECOUNT!" Very cute... I would be lying if I said I didn't try one out with some water! They were so cute and fun... not sure how many of the guys actually noticed it .. but isn't this type of thing more for the girls.. haha! Meaning, all of the personalized items and decorations are clearly something my husband probably cared less about.. but I liked it. 

Probably my FAVORITE item for this party was the cake... I wish I could say I made it and take credit.. but I did not. I looked at many cakes online and found two that I loved. I sent it to the guy that was making it and told him that I liked the bottom of one, but the dice and cards from the other.. and if could just make it a cake.... I didn't want a large one ... and this was PERFECT! It looked amazing. It exceeded my expectations by far. Isn't it perfect?

Of course a party would not be a party if you remembered everything, right? I forgot candles... So he blew out a lighter as we sang to him... This is my 30 year old man cutting his cake... He really thought the cake looked awesome too! I am so happy I went with who I went with to order it. Local people-- ask and I will send you to him, he was great! 

As the party neared, I really started to worry that the Blackjack table was a little extreme and may have been a waste of money. However, they showed me. This table was full the whole night. The guys  and girls had so much fun.... playing for nothing! It was great. I played for a bit but then was pulled for something, which was fine! I was just so glad to see everyone really enjoying themselves and taking advantage of the blackjack table and bartender... money well spent. 

And of course, no party would be a party without homemade games that guys get so much joy from... This game involves a drink, two poles, and a frisbee.... I have never played but they always have fun. 

In the end, the party was awesome and I know my guy had a great time. I had so much fun planning it... I wish i could be a party planner WITH NO BUDGET! I hope if you are looking for ideas for a party this helps ya! 

-Big Sis