Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday #9

Hello Friends! 
How are yall doing!??
We want to hear from you on these posts too you know, and know how your fitness challenge is going, what you are struggling with, and things you are conquering!! Let us know, we are all in this together and want to help and encourage one another.

So here's an update from me, Little Sis! 

This week has been okay, but Sunday, I went to the Texas Rangers Game with my work, and my husband joined us! We had an absolute blast! We just loving going to sporting events like that.  Meguell (my husband) and I always say that if we lived in Dallas, TX. we would definitely have to make it fit in our budget to have season tickets....our first choice would be to the Dallas Mavericks games! We just love them....good thing we don't live there though, because the prices are outrageous for season tickets, but it is just so much fun! 

Here's a few photos from our fun night! 
 Me & my man!!
 My cute Rangers outfit!!
Some of our friends there! 

Anyways, so are you wondering why the Rangers game made it a hard week? 
Well that is because we bought tickets in the all-you-can-eat section! This was my first time to do that, but it was so much fun.  And not only that, but before the game my boss wanted to take us to eat at a wonderful Mexican Restaurant, and I love Tex-Mex! My main weakness in life is chips and salsa and queso!! OMG I could live off that stuff! 
So we ate dinner and stuffed our faces then went straight to the game and had the freedom to eat more! and they had nachos, which I wanted more of event though I had just eaten chips and queso! SERIOUSLY MY WEAKNESS! :-)

Anyways, I am getting back into the swing of things though, weekends are really just more difficult though because my schedule is so different, and I have more freedom to do things like go out to eat, etc.  How have your weekends been compared to your week? Let us know what you are doing to overcome those weekend challenges, and not set yourself back every week because of the weekend. 

Here's our stats for this week: 

WLW Stats for BIG SIS:(Cassey)
Starting Weight: 210
Wed. 3/21: -13lbs total 
Wed. 4/3: -16lbs total
Wed. 4/10: -22lbs total
Wed. 4/17: -25lbs total
Wed. 4/25: -29lbs total
Wed. 5/2: -32lbs total
Wed. 5/9: -34lbs total  
Wed.5/16: -34lbs total

WLW Stats for LITTLE SIS: (Brittany)
Starting Weight: 170
Wed.3/28: -3lbs total
Wed. 4/10: -6.5lbs total
Wed. 4/17: -7.5lbs total
Wed. 4/25: -7.5lbs total
Wed. 5/2: -8.5lbs total
Wed. 5/9: -10.5lbs total 
Wed.5/16: -10.5lbs total

Also, just a little tip from me! 
Lately, I have gotten hooked on these meal bars! I have always been a meal bar kind of girl, which I get from my mom.  I used to eat Fiber One bars a lot, but after going to Africa and eating them so much last summer (because I am so picky :-) I had to find something else, and that I did.

I have recently started eating Clif Builder's Bars for breakfast, mostly every (weekday) morning at work.  So here's my routine.  I grab one on my way out the door, and as soon as I get to work I go fill up my water bottle! Then I sit at work checking my email, etc. and SLOWLY eat the bar and drink entire (really big) bottle of water, basically it is two normal sized bottles of water.  And that really kickstarts my day! I just have to make myself go slow, because these bars are so yummy....but if I go slow and drink the entire bottle throughout eating the bar I get full, and am not still hungry after.

These bars come in two flavors (that I have found), Peanut Butter and Chocolate.  I just buy a huge box with both flavors mixed from Sam's and that lasts me several weeks, maybe close to a month.  

Each bar is packed with 20 grams of protein which is awesome, and only 270 calories, which if this is your entire breakfast is not bad at all! Anyways, give it a try, or at least try drinking lots of water with breakfast! It's a great way to start the day, then continually fill your water up multiple times a day. I basically just sip water all day at work!

Also don't forget about the Naturally-Nifty Linky Party that is happening right now!! Stop by and link up & have a good time at the party! 

**Just a sidenote before we get started! We will be out some during the month of June and we are looking for some guest bloggers to feature a great post here while we are on vacation! Please email us if you are interested (you can do that by visiting our contact us tab above)