Thursday, May 3, 2012

Remodeling a dining room

Last Saturday was so much fun for my husband and me! First, we got up that morning and drove out to a little town outside of Abilene called Buffalo Gap.  If you know anything about West Texas, you know it is flat...but in the small community of Buffalo Gap, it is a pretty countryside with several plateau's..aka hills.  So I had been running a lot in our neighborhood, but wanted to be challenged and run some hills, and every time I drive past a plateau I think about how fun it would be just to climb up/hike one.  So we made plans to do something a little different and went out there. 
It was fun, although we weren't totally sure where to go.  We found what will one day be a nice neighborhood where they were clearing out lots, and we parked and ran through the roads, up the hills.  It was quite the challenge, but a lot of fun.  
Then we ended up going up the side of the hill in the middle of our run and hiking some.  It was a lot of fun.  We had our dog with us, and it was fun to watch her too.  Although these were just plateau's in West Texas, there was still some climbing you have to do, not just walking up a hill :-)
 Here's some of the pretty views we saw...pretty good for our part of the country.  
That's me and my dog down there...but you can barely see us! 

After spending the morning hiking, we went to our friend's house to help them remodel a room in their home.  They just got married in December, and he owned the house that they now live in.  They have done so much work to it already, it looks so great...I wish I could show you all they have done to their bedroom and bathroom. 
Here though, is the room that is linked off from their kitchen.  Before they were married it was used for a guy roommates bedroom, now though they want to make it a formal dining room since they don't have that.  
So that is what we worked on from 12pm to about 11pm on Saturday.  We had so much fun and we got so much accomplished! We didn't get the room completed, but they plan to have it all done this weekend, and I will definitely put up another post to show you the finished product. 

 So if you notice...the entire room, ALL FOUR WALLS were covered from ceiling to floor with wood paneling.  At first her husband really liked the wood lol but after seeing the transformation start to take place he really liked what it is going to turn out to be! 

So first he cut off the bottom half of the wood paneling.  And if you know anything about can tell that there is a problem with this picture.  This room is an exterior room on the house and had NO INSULATION! That's a great problem to run they had to run and buy insulation and the guys totally insulated the room.  

While they were at the store, us girls began painting the top half of the wood.  This wood was going to stay on, and be painted a nice robin's egg/Tiffany's style blue.  It was a really pretty color. So really most of my day was spent painting primer, and then finally the fun color! Usually I really dread painting, but it was a lot of fun to paint and talk with friends!

Another big part of this project was expanding the doorway.  I loved this idea because I really feel like it is going to make the kitchen and dining room flow together nicely! 

 It was a lot of fun to watch the men use their power tools and knock out part of the door! I was very impressed by how talented they are and how much they know to do in remodeling a house. 

 Here's the happy couple in their newly expanded doorway :-)

I tried to capture the color on camera for yall, to show how pretty it was.  
(Sorry for the bad quality of pictures, I was not prepared with my camera and just used my iphone)

You can see the paint color a little more in this picture. 
There is my husband attaching the sheetrock to the bottom half of the wall.  

So their plan is to cover the bottom of the wall with sheetrock, and add wainscoting to it.  Then paint it all with a semi glossy white paint.  They are also hoping to buy a fun chandelier to hang over the table. I think it is going to look amazing! 

It was crazy how much work we got done in that one day.  You can already see such a transformation. 

I will be posting sometime next week more, and better quality pictures of this project with it finally finished! I can't wait to see the final results! 

This really made me want to own my own house so that we could have fun remodeling rooms and making them into what we want.  But at this time I am content with saving money, and enjoying my nice house that doesn't need remodeling lol And one day we will have fun fixing up our own house! 
-Little Sis