Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Naturally-Nifty Linky Party #12


I just love this time of week! I love looking through all of the posts from last week's party and I love being able to display some of our reader's great work!!
I will be pinning these on our Pinterest this week as part of being a featured post! 
Also, if you were featured please remember to pick up one of our featured buttons in the tab at the top of the page! 
We want you to be able to take the button back to your blog and show it off that your great work was featured!! 

Thanks so much to everyone who linked up last week! I would love for yall to stop by these great blogs and give them some love on these great posts, and all the Niftiness that came from them! 

Tutus and tea parties made the most adorable barefoot sandals for a little girl! OMG this makes me want a baby girl so bad! And these seemed so easy to make...she made them out of a yellow t-shirt! How crafty, I just love all the new t-shirt crafts happening these days! She also showed how it could double as a cute bracelet on an adult...but shoot I love these little sandals so much I may make some my size :-)

Make Me Pretty Again sure did make this 80 year old antique dresser VERY PRETTY again! I am always so scared to put color on antiqued stuff! But this gives me so much inspiration to GET BOLD! I love what she did here! I love it with the mirror attached even better....head over to her blog to see the full dresser redone.  What a fun addition to your home!

Revitalize Your Health shared 3 great body butter recipes! HOW GREAT IS THAT!?? You can make your own body butter and save money! and look how creamy the picture looks, that must be so great for your skin...I am def. going to try this, plus you will know exactly what you are using, because you put all of the ingredients in, and you can pick the scent!

Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers, Oh My! made some cute paper plate crafts with her kiddos in her at home day care! This is such a great idea when studying animals, or even letters! Using paper plates is a cheap and easy way to make crafts, and giving them paint and letting them go free is a great way to exercise creativity! I love it!

So now it's time for this week's party! Have fun and hang out with others ;-) Visit other blogs and make new bloggy friends! Then come back here and LIKE their posts! 

We want to see any and everything that you are up to! 
From Home makeovers, craft projects, DIY, recipes, tips, kids games or crafts, or anything else you are up to!!

Just Remember....
Please SUBSCRIBE to our blog on the left sidebar!
Also, we have moved our Naturally-Nifty Party Buttons to the top tab, so take one of those and put it on your blog or add us to your linky parties tab on your blog!
And please stop by our FACEBOOK page and like us there and follow us on TWITTER too!