Thursday, May 31, 2012


I did it! I ran my first race since having my son! 

Not only did I do it... I did it pushing a stroller with my little man in it! 

I am so proud of ME! 

I was afraid I wouldn't do it because I didn't really want to go alone... but I am becoming more and more content doing these kinds of things alone. I got up with the husband this morning as he got ready for work and I began to get ready for the 5K. Of course Little Man slept later than he ever does and I had to wake his sweet self up to get out of the house on time. We drove about 45 minutes and we were there. Today we ran in a Memorial Day 5K... so more close to home than others. 

I started to get intimidated for a few reasons:

1. I seemed to be the only one alone... but luckily my two year old kept me preoccupied until start time... so I didn't feel like a complete loser with no friends... :) 

2. I slowly started to realize I was the only person with a stroller... so the only person required to start at the back.

3. As we neared the start, I also realized.... There are not many people doing this run.. OMG! I am going to be the last person! 

I am not a fast runner... so I was a little intimated and embarrassed that I was going to be the last one. I started to doubt myself... but luckily Little Sis was supporting me pretty good via text over that situation. Thanks sis! 

Start Time! 

The boy and I took off... I surprised myself.. I stayed around a 5.30 the whole time. THIS made me so proud. It is quite challenging to get a good pace with the stroller... We ran one full mile solid, going good.. The second mile had about four hills.. we ran one. The other three I walked, quickly, up them.. So I walked for about 30 seconds three times... and then we kept going... We came through the finish line in less than 40 minutes which made me proud. Though it was a 5K, in all actuality it was 3.4 miles.. Thank you, new watch! :) 

I was happy and proud. I was continually passing people up during the race... I felt great. I can't wait to do another one! My little man loved his medal... In honor of Memorial Day the 'medals' they gave out were dog tags... Little man loved it and played with it for a very long time! 

-Big Sis

Also don't forget to stop by and link up to the Natually-Nifty Party!! It's open until Friday night at midnight!!