Monday, March 19, 2012

Since I've Been Gone.....

O my goodness....I have missed my blogging friends so much!

And sad day that I hadn't taught big sister how to use the Linky Tools and it decided to mess up the week I was out....we are hoping to have it up and running tomorrow for our Naturally-Nifty Linky Party! Keep an eye out for it!

So....want to hear what I've been up to since I've been gone.....

 Well if you read my post before I left, you know that my husband and I were helping leading a college mission trip to DFW.  This is a picture of our Big Team, this is about 57 students that we led and did outreaches with throughout the Dallas area.  It was amazing! We saw so many amazing things that the Lord did, including allowing us to grow and learn from him during our morning worships, and session times, then during outreaches we saw so many people give their life to Christ, and a ton of people healed from physical illnesses.  

One really awesome ministry opportunity that I got to be a part of happened on our very last outreach, on Thursday night.  I went with three other team members to an apartment of a man who one of the teams met the night before.  He was a Hindu man that wanted us to come pray for his mom who had been sick for the past 3 1/2 years.  She had a heart condition that left her in constant pain, and she had been released from multiple hospitals with no help, still in pain.  
So we went and met the family and began to pray for her in the name of Jesus Christ.  It was an amazing night, I feel like the Lord filled me with a supernatural faith to believe that he could heal this woman! And after praying for her three times, and every time having her pain decrease some, she said that all of her pain was GONE!! After 3 1/2 years of pain she was pain free! It was amazing!

Then in the same home there were two younger boys, one 16 and the other 13 years old and they both had sight problems.  The first one couldn't see 10 feet away.  He couldn't read the clock on the wall, or my shirt which was only about 5 feet away.  I stood there as we prayed for him, and he gradually began to see better and better as I stepped back.  And finally he could see all the way to the wall, and the clock on the wall! Are you hearing what I am saying....the boy could not see the clock on the wall and after praying and asking Jesus to heal him, HE COULD SEE!! Come On Jesus!

Then the second boy came, and we tested his eye sight by setting a book in his lap...well not just any book, ha ha but my Bible! And I had the clever idea to turn it to John 3:16 so that would be what he would read after his eyes were healed.  I was astonished by the fact that he couldn't even read the book that was sitting in his lap! So we prayed...only 1 TIME, and he read the verse out loud to us! He was amazed that he could see, and it was so amazing and powerful to hear this Hindu boy read John 3:16 out loud to us.

After this we got the whole family in the room and told them how Jesus had healed everyone! And we shared to gospel with them, and told them how much Jesus loved them and wanted them to spend eternity in Heaven with them! We made it clear that Jesus wanted to be their only God, and we left there with this whole family believing in Jesus Christ!

It was an amazing experience for us, and this was only one story! But I do know that the Lord is good, and if you don't believe that God still speaks to His children and does miracles, then just ask him to! You will see, because I saw first hand that Jesus heals, and speaks to me! 

I hope you are encouraged by this one testimony! There were so many more from our trip too, I wish I could share them all with you! 

Some of my close friends from the trip! I love these girls! 

Blessings to you, and be encouraged, because the Lord is so good, and He loves each and every one of us!