Friday, January 13, 2012

What I've been up to

Well lately I have gotten my knitting back out! I am pretty excited about that, especially since I feel like I have gotten better and can knit a lot faster lately.  

Here's a few things I've done this week: 

I went to Wal-Mart and picked up some great yellow yarn. I like the quick and thick yarn, because it is thick, which makes my projects go quick.  And if you know me at all, you know I am not a detail person. I don't like to spend FOREVER on a project, I like to get it done well, but not spend forever pining over it :-) So I decided to grab this great yellow yarn (I LOVE YELLOW) and make a fun scarf with it! 

So on Wednesday we had a celebration/vision night at our church, where we went over all the good things that happened in 2011, go over the budget for 2011 and then 2012.  It's a very interesting night to attend, but since it wasn't preaching, I didn't feel rude to have my knitting out! So I knitted while my pastor spoke! I got half of this done in that time, and then finished the rest on the same night! That is a huge accomplishment for me! 

Yellow Infinity Scarf:

Then the next day, I decided to use the rest of the yellow yarn I had to make a head band.  It by no means is perfect, but I think I can get better at this.  And overall it took me about 45 minutes to make.  I just took one that I bought similar to this and tried to follow that pattern, then I just clipped a flower I had to it.  I plan to make more of these, actually someone wants to buy one, so I am making her a hot pink one and mailing it to her! I am selling it to her for $15, plus $3 for shipping, so if you are interested in one send me an email! 

In the near future I am wanting to video a small tutorial on the basics of getting started with knitting, so if knitting is something you want to learn then be looking for that in the next few weeks! I have never done a tutorial video so it will take a little while for me to get it how I like it :-)  I am excited to post that so that those of you who are interested in learning the art of knitting can!  I learned last January (2011) and I just love it.  It is so easy to me and once you get the hang of it, it's just something you can do while watching or listening to other things. 

Holiday Weekend: 
I am so excited about this weekend....Because I really have nothing planned except to do some craft projects! I'm not going to tell you what they are, but be looking for some new updates from me with some great crafts. Some are fun, some are handy around your house, and some are pretty in my house! I can't wait to show you what all I do this weekend!
 Until then though, don't forget to go sign up for our GIVEAWAY!  There are 6 ways to enter, and we are giving away an awesome kitchen mixer/blender/chopper! I have one and love it! The GIVEAWAY will end on Friday, January 20th at 10pm (Central Time). Be sure to share this with your friends and goodluck! 

By the way, I was featured in the blog A Glimpse Inside today. Go by and check it out! 
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