Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sorry I haven't done a great job at keeping up with my blog these past few weeks. I got started back up writing after the first of school calmed down....but lately I have just been so tired. I haven't wanted to write much even though I actually do have time.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
So last night I started ATTENDING a Discipleship group!
You notice I said attending....NOT leading! Thank the Lord! :-) Literally
This is something that I have been praying for, for a while now.
Although I enjoy leading in the college ministry and love seeing the fruits of discipling girls and leading girls, it has been hard as the leader, because for a while now I haven't had anyone pouring in to me.
I do have a lot of close friends that I walk with,
and I do get poured into by our college ministers through leadership stuff,
and I have been walking with a close friend through accountability, which is wonderful and something I need,
This is an older, wiser woman pouring into me!
And what's even better....she is married!
Thank you Jesus that is an answered prayer!
Since i have been married I have not walked with anyone who is married!
And it gets hard...
Although I am surrounded by wonderful girls who love the Lord and are so encouraging and uplifting...and I wouldn't change that for is hard that none of my friends are married, and so I can't "GO THERE" in conversation.
Or they can't necessarily, truly keep me accountable through marriage stuff!
So I am so excited to have someone showing me and teaching me what it really looks like to walk beside my husband as a godly wife who loves and supports him.
Someone who will keep me accountable as I walk away from "having to be in control..." and trusting my husband and honoring him in his decisions :-)
I am truly so thankful that the Lord has given this to me...and cannot wait to go deeper with it!
To the people walking with me in this...THANK YOU!
To the girls I daily walk with, I love you dearly and would not change our friendships for anything....but one day you will understand how important this is!
To Jesus! Thank you so much for hearing my cries as I told you I needed this and through me getting so frustrated this summer, and sounding so selfish as I asked you why I had no one! Thank you for answering my prayers even when I was so dishonoring to you!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Life has been so hectic since our trip to Africa!
I hope that you kept up with the blog we wrote while we were in Africa since I have been so bad and have neglected to write about our adventures on my own blog! If you didn't see the blog, check it out at Mission Moz and get caught up on the wonderful adventures and things the Lord did in our hearts and the way he used our team in Africa! We loved and we are already praying about what next summer looks like for us!
Speaking of what the Lord did in MY heart while we were in Mozambique....I know this started last Spring, but the Lord confirmed and gave me strength in this while we were in Africa. The Lord has really been giving me the heart of a mother....not only in my desires to have my own children, but to be a spiritual mother to the people we pastor in college ministry and more.
More of his heart for this came out while we were spending this time in Moz. We were at the Zimpeto Children's Center, and I was drawn towards the older teenage boys. The hard part though was that I could only get so close to them or go so far in conversation, because of my age, although I felt a mother's heart towards these boys, that is NOT how they see me....which was hard for me. But I was able to get close to some of them, and man on our last night there I really struggled. After we told them goodbye and it was there bedtime I went back to the visitor's compound and just sat alone and cried. I asked the Lord why he gave me this mother's heart for people especially here when I couldn't express it or when I had to leave these wonderful boys!
He really started showing me he was going to use that in my life though. So I have been praying what that looks like here in Abilene with the college ministry. Meguell and I are now some of the older leaders, and we pastor many people, AND WE LOVE IT! And I love all of them! I am just praying more and more that the people that we lead will see our hearts for them and know how much we care! I do feel like in Africa though the Lord showed me how to carry this mother's heart and take ownership in that it is one of the gifts the Lord has given me, and I love it!
Speaking of mother, our boys from China & Hong Kong moved in less than a week after we arrived back in America! It was a hectic first couple of weeks, we got back on a Friday evening, began unpacking into our new house that weekend, boys started arriving on Monday, and they began school on Wednesday!
It has been amazing though, they are great and so much fun! We are enjoying our lives with them very much and know this is what the Lord has called us to do in Abilene!
Thank you Jesus for choosing to use US!!
Here are some photos for you!
We took the boys to the West Texas Fair! They loved trying the new foods and riding the rides
From left: Steven, Owen, & Evan!
A photo of our living room!
Meguell has been amazing with the boys! He teaches them all different things! Here he is getting them to help him build this couch! (Meguell made this from scratch, and I am making the cushions, then this will be our outdoor furniture!)