Thursday, April 14, 2011

Eyes for Eternity

I fell like lately the LORD has been giving me eternal eyes!!

What do I mean by that you ask??

He has been showing me the cost of living and leading for HIM! At that cost seems to be my life! Like the Bible says...

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

And well he is teaching me the truth in that! And in teaching me that....HE is showing me that even if I give my life up to HIM, when I submit it all...If HE calls me far away, it is all okay! Because even though the biggest fear in me is leaving my family and being away from them and missing their life here, the LORD promises eternal life! Which means I will get to spend eternity with all of the people that the LORD has blessed me with! I will get to rejoice and party with them FOREVER!! So there is no need to fret over the life that I am giving up to the LORD here and now!! Because I have FOREVER ha ha and my reward is INTIMACY WITH JESUS!!

Heck ya! HE is good...

Now though, as I try and write my research paper I think...if I have been given "Eyes for Eternity," then what fruits does continuing school and getting another degree have! So that is my prayer tonight...for the Lord to show me my purpose here at HSU in graduate school...ugh!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory.

Easy! My favorite memory is of the day I got married! :-) It was a wonderful day, starting with getting up early and going to the salon with my mom and my sister, to seeing my fiance during our first glance photos, then on to him "KISSING HIS BRIDE" then celebrating with all of our friends and family! If we would have been able to stay at the place longer, I could have stayed and danced the night away with all of them! It was a blast! Then we headed to a sweet and relaxing honeymoon in St. Lucia!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 4: A picture of your favorite night.

Pictures of my favorite night! My bachelorette party was the best night ever! I absolutely loved it! My sister planned it and all my closest friends got to be there! We went to eat at my favorite place....Olive Garden! And then split into two groups for a crazy scavenger hunt and then ended the night at a karaoke bar! It was seriously the most fun I have ever had!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 3: A picture of your cast from your favorite show.

I love Friends!! It hasn't been a since childhood favorite, but really I guess I started watching it in High school and then a lot in College! I own all ten seasons and because we don't have cable we watch Friends a lot! I even got Meguell hooked on it! We refer things back to Friends episodes all the time! And it is so fun that we both get the jokes! And sometimes our friends around us get the joke too and it is so much fun!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 2: A picture with you and the person you have been closest with.

I'm going to cheat!! I'm close to several people!

I have been blessed with an amazing husband! The Lord answered all of my prayers with him and I am so thankful for him! He loves me well and leads me well and I love serving the Lord with him leading me!! I am so thankful for him!

I am blessed tot have a wonderful relationship with both my mom and my sister! We are all so close, and even though we live miles and miles apart, we talk just about everyday and I can talk to them about every part of my life! I love them & am so thankful for them and all of my family!

I am also blessed to say that I have had the same Best Friend since I was 3 years old! I'm 23 now!! It is amazing what all we have been through! I love her so much and am so thankful for her friendship! She is such an encourager to me, she has always been such a loyal friend even though we have lived apart the past 5 years, and we just have so much fun together!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 1: A picture of you with 10 facts.

1) I love my life so much! I am continually so thankful of where God has brought me, and that He is so faithful to use me here in Abilene!

2) I have an adorable Dalmatian named BELLA JANE!

3) I cherish my family so much! Although I know the Lord is calling Meguell and I to great things, my biggest fear in being called is being so far from my family! Although I would willingly go where the Lord calls, the hardest part would be to leave my family!

4) The Lord is teaching me to use my testimony as a praise to Him! He is gradually teaching me how to use the death of my brother as part of my testimony, and teaching me to walk in grace and praise to Him, and not in guilt and shame for the sins of my past! Thank the Lord :-)

5) I have had the same best friend almost my entire life! We met when we were 3 years old and God has blessed us with so many years together! Also, I am best friends with both my mom and my sister! All of these relationships are so special to me!

6) I love the outdoors! I find joy in being out, no matter what I am doing!

7) I am going to Maputo, Mozambique-Africa this summer (2011)! I am so excited to do missions work with my husband, and with three of our very close friends that we live life with! I know God has such big things for us there and cannot wait to see what he is going to do and teach us!

8) One of my biggest desires in life is to use my counseling degree to see young men freed from chains that the devil tries to hold them in! To see them find their identity in Christ, and walk out in the destiny he has for them! To be raised up as leaders for the Lord, and lead their own families into freedom!

9) A dream of mine is to have many children! Not just my own....(which I do want), but for mine and Meguell's house to be a place where young adults can come and we can minister to them and pour into them and become kind of "spiritual parents" to many! (This is one reason we feel called to the college ministry!)

10) The picture at the top really isn't of's actually my sister....and even though we normally don't look alike, in that picture, I even felt like it looks just like ME! The picture below actually is of me!

**I went a lot deeper with this than I planned... :-) But hey now you know the REAL ME!