Monday, February 28, 2011

MMMMmmmm...... the only word to describe my feelings. Other gestures may help though....a sigh of happiness, a jump for joy, a huge smile of satisfaction, or a head tilt of humility! All of these can describe the way the Lord has made me feel! He is utterly perfect and amazing and so faithful!
He says that
When you ask he will give to you,
when you seek him with all of your heart you will find him,
he says that he will fill the hungry with good things!!

All of these things and more he has been faithful to come through on! I am overwhelmed by how much he has given me! It's funny that my last post was about how he likes to give good gifts! Because man has he!! Let me explain what I mean.

It all started with realizing how much I desire more of him! With realizing how I want mine and Meguell's home to be filled with the spirit of the Lord! For it to be so peaceful and encouraging...and then realizing it's not my home that needs to be filled with the spirit! But US!!! So then in just a few days I began to pray into that so much! Just asking the Lord to fill us! A lot of this stems from just being able to invite people over and be intentional and them be blessed by spending time with us! Also though, I am thinking to the future and our children and how I want them to grow up in the spirit, and knowing who the Lord is! Not just what church is and the story of Christ but being able to truly worship the Lord as children! You may think kids can't comprehend these things...but I think they can probably comprehend some spiritual things more than we can! Remember the child like faith the Bible talks about! I believe children are very sensitive to the Spirit...which probably stems from their innocence and lack of "knowing." Anyways, through praying into more of the Spirit God has just rocked my world!

I will give one example of what he did last night with our lifegroup! And just remember as leaders and leading out in this it was scary for us! But that is why I am giving this testimony of my lifegroup because of how much it impacted not just our group, but Meguell and me too!

So last night we decided to go on a "Treasure Hunt." This is just the name we give it, but what it means is when we wait on the Lord for specific words and then go out and talk to people and encourage them and pray for them! Our main goal in this is not to "get everyone saved," if that happens then Heck ya bring it on! But we just wanted to meet people and see if we could pray for them! Our main goal was to LOVE ON PEOPLE! I mean how often do college students walk about to strangers in Wal-Mart and ask how they are doing and see if they need prayer!

So we went out and as soon as we arrive at Wal-Mart still in the car the Lord confirms a word he gave one of our girls! She say a yellow construction vest with reflectors on it, and there was a guy in the parking lot wearing one! The Lord is so faithful to speak to his children and show us that he sees us and wants to give us good things! Anyways, we saw over half of our list of words we received and talked to plenty of people, praying for some of them and others not!

The best part about this night though was not that we saw some miraculous healing or transformation happen (which we are still expecting in the future :-) but that the Lord showed up and did something awesome in our group! As a newer group, this was such a uniting experience for us! We went back to our house and gave testimonies of the things we saw and encounters we had with people! But man the Lord built our faith last night! As individuals and as a group! And he freaking united our people! Which is something that Meguell and I have been praying for for several months!

The Lord is so good and so faithful to do what he promises and to hear our prayers! I have so many feelings I want to express right now, but it is very hard! I wish my words were more eloquent! lol but this will have to do :-) Just be encouraged that the Lord is good! And he sees his children and he does speak to us, and he wants to give us good gifts!

When you ask he will give to you,
when you seek him with all of your heart you will find him,
he says that he will fill the hungry with good things!!

Side Note: We have a section of lifegroups which includes 4 different groups and we all meet on Sunday night! Well I have heard about all the others night last night too...and the Lord showed up in all of our groups and rocked everyone's worlds in different ways! HE IS SO GOOD!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhhhh I love this Britt! Isn't it so beautiful and miraculous how He works?? I love that He never leaves us halfway. That might be my favorite thing on outreaches like this. He proves what we hear and see true, and then blesses the conversations and it is sooo good to be encouraged by each other when we all get back and get to share how He moved!
