Monday, July 27, 2009

A New Life

So....Last night I was driving home from Abilene and my sister called to chat...BUT my phone was going dead so I had to let her go. When I did she ended by saying ok bye Aunt Brittany...then hung up! At first I was like what then I just yelled SHUT UP!!! and could not stop saying o my goodness the whole ride home...You see what I got from this was that she was pregnant!! IIIIIII!!! huge news.

You see back last year she went to the doctor and found out that she had something (I can never remember the name) but this would make it very difficult for her to get pregnant! But when Nathan (Her Husband) Came home from Iraq in June they decided to start trying, but they figured it would be a long process of different things like medications, etc. that they would have to use for help! Well not so!! She took 5 pregnancy tests and one at the doctor and they were all POSITIVE!!

So on March 25, 2009 I am going to be an aunt again!! I love it!! One of the greatest joys in my life is being AUNT BRITTANY! but now its my sisters baby!!

Also, Meguell will become an uncle once we get married which is really exciting, but when this baby is born it will be even more exciting because he/she will grow up calling him Uncle Meguell while the other kids will have to start getting used to it....But actually by the looks of what they call him now it will be Uncle and I love it!!


  1. Yay!! I am so glad you got a blog-- and I am so glad to read that you are soo exciting! You have a lot of awesome things going on in your life right now! How fun!! i love you

  2. silly they won't have a problem calling him "Uncle" since they are still so young!
